ESG Investing

The SF State Foundation takes great pride in its commitment to values-driven investing, and continually works with our investment advisor to ensure that our endowment reflects the Foundation's and the University's institutional values. Our Investment Policy Statement provides additional information on the racial and social justice, climate change, and human rights parameters that guide that work.

Equally important is our commitment to maximizing the transparency of our endowment. To that end, this page provides quarterly information on the aggregate performance and overall composition of our endowment. Where possible, we also provide holdings information at the specific fund-manager level on a quarterly or annual basis. Please see the below links for more information.

Bubble Graphic

Endowment Mission Alignment Dashboard

These two graphics contrast our portfolio composition in 2020 to its current composition. Each "bubble" represents a particular fund in our endowment, and its color reflects what kind of investment it is. The bubble's size reflects that particular fund's size relative to the portfolio as a whole (i.e., a larger bubble is a bigger percentage of the endowment's overall portfolio). The X axis on the left-hand side of the page shows how closely each fund aligns with the ESG priorities reflected in our Investment Policy Statement. The higher up a bubble is on this axis, the greater its alignment. The Y axis on the bottom edge of the page reflects how diverse the firm's ownership and/or strategy is. The further to the right a bubble is along this axis, the more diverse its ownership and/or strategy, or both. Over time, the graphic reflects a general migration of all bubbles (i.e., all funds in the endowment's portfolio) to greater and greater alignment with our ESG goals and diversity principles.