Donate by Mail
Please make checks payable to: SF State Foundation. Mail checks to: University Advancement 1600 Holloway Avenue, ADM 154C, San Francisco, CA 94132.

Donate Online With a Credit Card
Use the "Make a Gift" button above or donate online with a credit card. You can make a pledge, donate any amount, or set up a monthly recurring gift.
*Gifts made by credit card are subject to processing fees.

Matching Gifts
Many employers will match their employees' charitable contributions, doubling or even tripling donations. To check if your employer matches gifts, please visit develop.sfsu.edu/matching-gifts.

Stocks and Bonds
By giving stocks, mutual funds or bonds you may avoid paying substantial capital gains taxes and can deduct the full value of your gift from federal taxes. Learn more or donate securities.

Real Estate and Appreciated Assets
We welcome donations of your real estate and other appreciated assets, such as fine art. We'll help guide you through any liquidation arrangements, including handling all the sales if you prefer. Real estate and appreciated assets may be donated outright, as well as through planned giving. Please contact giftplan@sfsu.edu for more information.

Wire Transfer
To make a gift to San Francisco State University via wire transfer, and obtain the appropriate forms with ABA routing numbers and account information, please contact the Office of University Development at (415) 338-1042 or email develop@sfsu.edu.

Planned and Estate Gifts
Planned gifts are particularly attractive to SF State alumni and friends who live in areas where real estate appreciation has increased exponentially over the last few decades. In addition to including SF State in your will, it's possible to establish an annuity or other income-bearing arrangement that actually benefits you and possibly your heirs, and at the same time benefits SF State. LEARN MORE.

In-Kind Gifts
The value of a gift in-kind is tax-deductible and may include a range of tangible personal property, such as furniture and equipment, personal libraries, etc. Call (415) 338-1042 or email us, and we'll help match your potential donation with a particular need at SF State.

Corporate and Foundation Support
Explore how supporting the University can help advance your corporation’s or foundation’s mission. For more information, visit the Corporate and Foundation Relations website.