Public Comment Policy


Most CSU auxiliary organizations are subject to the California Education Code 89920-28 (aka Seymour Act), which requires that the business of the auxiliary be posted seven (7) days in advance and that the meeting be open to public attendance. Though not part of the education code, a public comment period was established as a recommended practice to avoid additional legislative regulation. The public comments time is for any member of the public to address the Board on any item affecting higher education.


The following is the proposed protocol for public comments at Foundation board and committee meetings (excludes emergency/special meetings):

1. Those wishing to attend and comment on a Foundation matter or agenda topic should contact Foundation staff for a Comment Request Form to be completed and returned to the Board Secretary. Comment requests are encouraged to be submitted five (5) days in advance of the meeting date.

2. Members of the public (excepting agenda-topic presenters) attending a meeting should arrive early and introduce themselves to Foundation staff before the meeting convenes.

3. The Chair will call upon those requesting to make a public comment during a Comment Period.

4. Comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. The total time allotted for public comments will be 15 minutes. A meeting held by remote means requires those making public comments to activate both audio and video features of the connection.

5. The Board may or may not respond to comments.

6. Public comments will take place immediately after the meeting has been called to order.

7. Public commenters wishing to record board or committee meetings must receive written permission from the board one week (7 days) prior to the meeting.


Protocol will be announced at the opening of the meeting.

Protocol will be displayed at each meeting.

Staff will also provide protocol in the following locations:

  • Foundation’s website
  • Lobby of the University Administration Building
  • Display in window of physical meeting location
  • Include in the waiting rooms of virtual meetings