All donations and fundraising revenue deposits to endowment accounts should be made by the gift processing unit in University Development in ADM 153.
Checks should be hand-delivered to University Development in a timely manner.
Gift processor will deposit all checks at the University cashier's office in the Administration Building.
Gift processor will ensure that all deposits are accompanied by a completed deposit transmittal form including valid CRS number, deposit tally sheet, tape of deposit tally, and copies of all checks being deposited.
All checks should be properly endorsed to SF State Foundation if not originally made payable to SF State Foundation.
It is possible for SF State Foundation to receive funds from wire transfers from other financial institutions directly into our bank account. University Development should be contacted of any such transactions and will provide the donor with the Incoming Wire Transfer Notification form to complete and return to the Foundation. Once the form is received and the transfer is completed, the funds will be credited to the appropriate endowment account.
SF State Foundation can also accept stock transfers directly into our stock transaction account. University Development should be contacted of any such transactions and will provide donor with the Securities Transfer Request form to complete and return to the Foundation. Once the form is received and the transfer is completed, the funds will be credited to the appropriate endowment account.